Sunday, April 26, 2015


We've made it! A whole semester of psychology all here in one blog! I'm glad that my psychology instructor had the class choose some sort of project that forced us to look more into subjects that we discussed in class (REALLY GLAD; ok no sarcasm, it was kind of fun).
First, let me start by saying, thanks for following along! I've really enjoyed getting my thoughts and words on different subjects out on a blog. This was really fun! We've learned a lot this year! We started with psychologists such as Erikson and Kohlberg. Then we went on to learn about sleep, consciousness and unconsciousness, and different sleep disorders. Then on to conditioning. We heard about how Pavlov trained (or conditioned) his dogs and Skinner experimented with his mice. Then, who remembers what was next? Oh yeah, MEMORY!! Next, we went on to get smart and learn how to do so. Ok, not quite, but we did learn about some guys that told us what we need to be successful. Ok, a little bit. Sternberg and Gardner told us why they think we need 3 and 8 intelligences (respectively) to be a better intellect. Then, I made you take some tests to learn how smart (or dumb, just kidding!) you really are! I told you about the history behind IQ tests, and then after intelligence, we did emotion theories! From there, we got a little serious and I opened up about my struggle with depression and self-injury. To me, that is the most important post to read out of all of these. Lastly, we talked about some different types of therapy.
I just want to say, I really hoped you enjoyed my blog. Thank you for reading along!

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